What is Building Plan Approval and How to Get One?

Projects of reputed builders are always in demand because of their quality construction. For the construction of any project, building plan approvals are needed along with many other approvals. These approvals are must to have for any construction project, otherwise could lead to heavy penalties. 

Let's understand in deep the procedures of getting approval for the approval of building plans. 

Requirements for Building Plan Approval

Without proper building plans and other documents, it is illegal to construct any building project. Now there are many requirements for building plan approval, and a builder must get all of those documents to avoid any kind of penalty or legal issue in the future. Let's take a deep dive into this matter and understand the different types of approval required for building plan approval. 

  • Land Title

The first thing that a builder need is the land title, which ensures that the property is commercials and ensures its present state. It also holds the details of ownership to avoid any kind of dispute in the future. It is the best practice to get the land title before starting any kind of construction. 

  • Land Clearance

Sometimes, because of the location advantage, agricultural land is used for the non-agricultural purpose of residence or commercial use. In that case, Land clearance is required from the local bodies and the State Ministry of Urban Development. 

  • Zonal Clearance

Once the land title and land clearance are provided by the respective authorities, builders need to get the zonal clearance for further procedures. It is better to follow every process to get building plan approvals, even if it requires a lot of patience. 

  • Building Approval

Building approvals require the building plan and the layout approval for the permission of construction. The building plan ensures that the building is made from the standard point of view. Layout approval is necessary to start any kind of construction on the land. 

  • Completion Certificate

Once the construction is completed, it's mandatory to get the completion certificate in order to sell it or any of its parts. Before issuing the completion certificate, the inspection process is done by the authorities to make sure the building has been made as per the approved plan. 

  • Services & Utilities Installation

After getting the completion certificate, it is necessary for the builder to get approval for installing measures for electricity, water, and gas facilities from the responsible authorities. 

The builder also needs to get NOC from pollution and the municipality for the services like sewer and water supply. 

  • Occupancy Certificate

At last, an occupancy certificate is required from the local bodies before occupying the building for any kind of use. Without an occupancy certificate, it is illegal to use even a part of the building and can cause serious legal issues. 

Conclusion:- There are many requirements for building plan approval, and many certificates and documents are required at every phase before and after the completion of the project. To get the approvals from the local bodies, one needs to follow the standard procedure and legal formalities.

More info: https://www.grcindia.net/
