7 Steps Of Environmental Clearance Process In India

If you are in the construction business then you must be aware of the Environmental Clearance certificate. This document has been declared compulsory for certain projects by the MoEF (Ministry of Environment & Forests). This is mandatory under the Environment Protection Act 1986. This act makes sure that any harm or damage can be stopped that can be possible by a building before its construction so before starting construction you should have EC. In this blog, we will discuss the steps of getting an EC in India.

Process of Getting Environmental Clearance

  1. Site Location is the most important thing to consider. If the selected site is not lying under the regulation parameters then the builder must look for another site.
  2. The second step is identifying the category of property if it does not fall into the category of getting EC. This is also important to understand that if the property is EIA category then the report should be prepared for clearance. This report can be prepared third-party or self. If the project falls into category B then state government permission will be required. The authority will clarify if the project is B1 or B2 type. B2-type projects do not need an EIA report.
  3. The next step after preparing the EIA report is to present it to State Pollution Control Board. It will check if the project is completing all parameters and the number of pollutants. If it does not find any loophole then it will pass a NOC for the project.
  4. Step 4 is the public hearing which is very crucial for Environmental Clearance. This is because it adds more concerns, perspectives, and clauses. In this step, a committee includes the district collector, members of Gram Panchayat, members of SPCB, and many more. After approval of the majority, this project goes to MoEF.
  5. In this step, the MoEF decides the category of the project and considers the detailed report of the committee in the previous step.
  6. In this step, the Environmental Appraisal Committee decides if the project is suited for approval by considering all steps above and especially the public hearings.
  7. The last step is declaring through a letter whether the project is approved or rejected so that developer can be notified.


At last, we can say that getting EC is a tricky process but with the help of an experienced partner like GRC India, you can get through it easily. GRC India also can help in getting Requirements for building plan approval. For more information please check out www.grcindia.net now!!
