How to Get Real Estate Projects Approval in India

To make sure that transparency is maintained real estate has a number of statutory compliances and approvals that have to be approved and cleared by the developer before beginning construction on the project. Prior to when the RERA Act 2016 was passed these clearances by law were mandatory, however this new Act made a huge improvement in the plan approval for house construction in Bangalore and through the introduction of guidelines for distributing funds and management, and completing the project deadline and so on. It also brought an astonishing amount of clarity as well as a transaction structure.

There is a constant need for properties from a reputable builder with a reputation for its high-quality construction. Buyers pay more to have assurance the building plan approval in Bangalore is given. However the builder should be able to obtain approvals and sanctions from all authorities involved for each building to be constructed. As a result of fines, or the possibility of prosecution for any venture started without such approvals will be subject to Retribution. Based on the stages of the project the approvals are divided into three groups.

  • The preliminary stage

  • The stage of sanction

  • The post-completion and completion stage

A complete, step-by-step process to get approvals and sanction is outlined in the following paragraphs:

Plan Approval and Building Plan Approval and approval for clearance

Every building that is constructed by any person requires prior approval by authorities. Local Authority to construct the structures. This is on the table to make sure that in accordance with the laws, the buildings and structures constructed are safe and located in a suitable location and accessible for both the use of both for living and work. The building plan approval in Bangalore is a written document with a small amount of information about the structure that will be built as drawings drawn by skilled engineers and architects. There are many reasons why a development plan needs to be revised prior to being presented at the level of the local authorities.

  • To comply with Local / Subject Authority rules and regulations.

  • The plan can be updated by adding or removing any details in the plans.

  • Correct any incorrect information given to the authority concerned.

Certificate of Commencement

In simpler phrases, the initial certificate is an approval by the local authority for development to start construction. IOD as well as CC are significant documents. When they are issued the developer is required to lay foundation stones or build boundaries or walls within the demarcated zone.

Services & Utilities Installation

The developer is accountable for obtaining plan approval for house construction in Bangalore for the construction of lifts such as gas, electric, fire sewerage or water supply, and/or water that is drinkable or non-drinkable for usage from the authorities concerned. The developer needs to obtain an NOC to dig a bore well in the proposed project from the pollution board, municipal or the authority responsible for that.

Certificate of Completion

Once the construction phase of the project has been completed the relevant authority will issue an official Completion Certificate (CC) after it has completed its inspection. The certificate is required for the project developed by the developer as the property or project may be offered for sale to potential buyers only after receiving the CC developer. This certification assures buyers that the project's construction is in accordance with the approved design of the authority responsible.


Developers have to get more than 70 permits from the government and this can be tedious for anyone who has less idea of how to cope with all this. We hope you will find this information useful.
